When it comes to neck or back pain, the professionals at Delaware Valley Chiropractic & Rehabilitation can help you get relief while treating the root causes of your discomfort. Our Chiropractor, Orthopedist or Pain Management specialist with the staff offer detailed, one-on-one consultations to develop a personalized and comprehensive plan to eliminate neck and back pain. We can treat full-body pain or pain affecting a specific body region. Personalized treatment options will depend on your health and situation.
Don’t self-diagnose and ignore your mild low back problems. Visit us
when you experience even mild symptoms. We’ll conduct a thorough examination to evaluate the cause of your pain before making any spinal adjustments.
Symptoms of Back Problems
Muscle spasms
Pain in the back or buttocks
Spine sensitivity to touch and pressure
Pain after prolonged inactivity
Pain that gets worse and lasts longer
Causes of Back Pain
There are several possible conditions that can cause back pain.